A word from the actors: the relationship between Daenerys and Jon Snow

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One of the questions left unanswered and which will definitely need to be answered in the eighth season of GOT is how the relationship between the series’ most talked about couple develops: that of Daenerys Targaryen, the mother of the Dragons, and the charming Jon Snow.

After discovering that both descend from the same family tree (Jon Snow is in fact the legitimate son of Ralegar Targaryen, therefore Daenerys’ bother), the audience have been truly shocked to witness what can only be defined to all intents and purposes as total incest.

To make everything even more interesting, we have chosen to tell below the opinions of Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke, the actors who play these two famous characters.

Daenerys wants to avenge her family

When Emilia Clarke is asked (in the series, the mother of the dragons) about what she thinks of this love-story, she replies in a lapidary way: “Daenerys’s dream is to avenge her family and take back her rightful place on the Iron Throne. She is in love with Jon, but if she found out his real title, she would break the relationship off.”

The actress therefore seems convinced that for Daenerys it is more important to avenge her family and conquer the throne, even at the price of giving up the love of her life.


Jon Snow will follow his integrity

Kit Harrington’s thoughts about Jon Snow, do not differ much from Clarke’s point of view. Convinced by the underlining loyal and limpid nature of the character, the actor in fact states the following: “Jon is a guy who follows the rules, and is unable to lie. Discovering the blood bond that binds him and Dany will be something very hard to deal with.”

It is not easy to foresee a future for Daenerys and Jon together, but we will only find out the truth in April!


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