Nintendo Entertainment System returns in 2016 as Nintendo Classic Mini

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Nostalgia and 2D games lovers, if summer was about Pokémon Go (a game concept created by Nintendo), the Christmas will be about Nintendo as well. And we are not referring to Christmas of 1987, but the next one, in 2016! Thirty years after the release of Nintendo Entertainment System, Nintendo decided to release Nintendo Classic Mini, a reduced version of its parent console.

The history of Nintendo Entertainment System

Launched in Japan in 1983, Nintendo Entertainment System was the first 8-bit console, the first generation to offer a good quality standard for home videogame consoles. NES was the first console to revolution the game system, and the first to work with third-part licensed games.

NES was a global success: in thirty years, 500 million of pieces were sold. Thanks to this console, Nintendo was the undisputed leader in the videogames market, with the success of videogame stories like Super Mario Bros and The Legend of Zelda.

Super Mario Bros NES

Videogame consoles evolved very rapidly, among the success in early ‘90s of Sega Master System (the first 16-bit console) and the irruption in the market by Sony Playstation and Microsoft Xbox. That is why, after eight years of unrivaled success, in 1991 Nintendo ceased the NES production. This console heritage, though, was huge, especially considering the success of some of its games, based on the direct relationship between the videogame developer and the videogame producer, later become the market standard.

NES Nintendo Classic Mini

The return of Nintendo Entertainment System

It is really surprising news that in 2016, when videogames are all about augmented reality and advanced graphics, Nintendo decided to bring back Nintendo Entertainment System, calling it Nintendo Classic Mini. The mini-console will have a HDMI port to connect it to televisions, and 30 pre-installed games will be included. Nintendo Classic Mini release is expected on November 11th, and it will have a 59.99$ price, as the official Nintendo website reports.

Il ritorno del Nintendo Entertainment System

Ed è davvero una notizia che nell’estate del 2016, momento in cui i videogiochi sono basati soprattutto sulla realtà aumentata e su standard grafici altissimi, Nintendo abbia deciso di rilanciare il Nintendo Entertainment System, denominandolo Nintendo Classic Mini. La mini-console sarà dotata di una porta HDMI per collegarla ai televisori, e comprenderà 30 giochi pre-installati. La sua uscita è prevista per l’11 novembre, e avrà un prezzo ufficiale di 59.99$, come riportato dal sito ufficiale di Nintendo.

This market choice clearly winks at nostalgic video-gamers of the Eighties, currently plunged into super-advanced technologies, who will be able to take a refugee in their childhood memories become true while playing 2D Donkey Kong or The Legend of Zelda, passing through Super Mario Bros.

Here’s what Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime said:

We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo’s original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place. The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is ideal for anyone who remembers playing the NES, or who wants to pass on those nostalgic memories to the next generation of gamers.


A relationship strictly based on nostalgia, so that experts talked about a retro-marketing strategy, for Nintendo. The low price – only about 60$ – is consistent with the product positioning, and it will be an easy bait for everyone who desires to re-live the moments when the most beautiful game was being a yellow moon running away from colored little ghosts.

Giving confirmation about this “retro” trend, it looks like Nintendo will allow among the view gaming options also the CRT screen in 4:3 format, just like the one of televisions from the Eighties.

NES Nintendo Classic Mini

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