Smartphone… DIY speakers and headphones!

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In the the age of smartphones, loudspeakers – especially wireless speakers – are the forced and only solution to music listeners. We talked about these tech gadgets a lot before, because they simply are the preferred gadgets by technology users together with earphones, headphones and portable action cameras.

Put aside technology for just a moment (we’re getting back to it later!): is it possible to create a speaker with your own hands in order to enhance the effectiveness of your smartphone speakers? Yes it is, with DIY – “do it yourself”!

DIY is the method of building, modifying or repairing things without the direct aid of experts and professionals: it’s usually home arts and crafts, though the movement has an historic derivation due to consumerism culture and maker culture, the technology-based extension of DIY ethic.

Just try a little Google Search with a query like “DIY smartphone speaker”, and you will get a bunch of interesting results highlighting to you how to build a smartphone speaker that will save you a lot of money, and a lot of electricity and battery as well (but for that you can use a power bank)!.

Your smartphone already has a good volume pumping out of its native speakers. And there are good tricks you can try to boost its volume of some decibel. Not so much, though, as  you can state in this article by Lifehacker. Solutions go from putting your smartphone into a paper cut to leaving into a paper glass (the most effective case).

But can we do any better for loudspeakers? And what about headphones?

A viral video by Mashable, involving Pringles, instructs you how to turn a Pringles can into a low-cost amplifying phone speaker with a fun DIY project. Very cost-effective, easy to drop and rapid to build. You only need a Pringles can, toilet paper, a pair of scissors, two binder clips and tape. Enjoy this, and reproduce it yourself:

If you want to take it to next level, on Youtube you can find videos explaining to you how to build an actual Bluetooth speaker from scratch: you just need the raw material, involving wires and a Bluetooth USB adaptor, and you can create your own (working) bluetooth speaker. If you’re curious about this, this is the video for you:

But audio products are not only speakers, of course: smartphone audio devices are headphones, above all. You could never imagine it, but some life-hacking and DIY very serious (almost professional!) websites managed to create video-tutorials to create DIY headphones (starting from bullets!). This is an example, by Inspire to Make

Customization and Fun into Technology

The best thing about DIY tools and devices is that you can customize your objects the way you prefer, with your favorite movie character, with the Captain America shield designed on it, or with the Star Wars droids.

Imagine you could find that customized product, just the way you wanted, already in the market, available for purchasing. What would you do? Yes, DIY is a good experiment of yours if you want to play with raw material and have to satisfaction to see that something you built actually will work.

But it cannot actually guarantee you a good sound quality, and it cannot work effectively during time.

Audio and travel products by Tribe are coming! Combining design with technology, Tribe products have high quality elements and recall the distinctive marks of typical Tribe licenses.

Stay tuned with Tribe!



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