On August 5th in USA (and on August 13th in Italy) Suicide Squad by DC Comics, written and directed by David Ayer, came to theatres. The movie pictures a criminal team, recruited by the government in order to fight terrorism and to defend the Country security.
Suicide Squad comes from the comic book by Robert Kanigher and Ross Andru, particularly from 1959 “The Brave and The Bold”. But the Suicide Squad members were very different along the years. In the 2016 movie we will see the comic book reinterpretation by John Ostrander, combining epic characters like The Joker with new, but not less irreverent, ones.
This is the official Suicide Squad synopsis:
It feels good to be bad… Assemble a team of the world’s most dangerous, incarcerated Super-Villains, provide them with the most powerful arsenal at the government’s disposal, and send them off on a mission to defeat an enigmatic, insuperable entity. U.S. intelligence officer Amanda Waller has determined only a secretly convened group of disparate, despicable individuals with next to nothing to lose will do. However, once they realize they weren’t picked to succeed but chosen for their patent culpability when they inevitably fail, will the Suicide Squad resolve to die trying, or decide it’s every man for himself?
The movie success is estimated to be enormous, due to a cast with actors like Will Smith – interpreting Deadshot, an uscrupulous mercenary with an unerring aim -, Cara Delevigne, interpreting a double-personality enchantress, and Margot Robbie interpreting Harley Quinn, a literally insane former psychiatrist in love with a former patient of hers, the Joker.
The new and intriguing Joker by Jared Leto
The new and intriguing Joker by Jared Leto
Jared Leto got the daunting task to interpret the insane and sadic clown, the legendary Batman’s enemy, eight years after the extraordinary performance by Heath Ledger in The Dark Night by Christopher Nolan. Jared Leto knows the burden he has to bring because of the past Joker interpretations, like those by Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton’s Batman and by Mark Hamill in the animated movie. But Jared Leto accepted the challenge, deeply studying his role to give us his personal version.
As the director told, the Suicide Squad’s Joker is inspired to the original comic book movie, where he was a real street gangster. David Ayer wanted to bring back the Joker of those years, while adapting him to the current years: that’s the reason of the particular tattoos, the car and the clothing. Jared Leto took treasure of this advice, and empathized whit his character so much that he actually did behave like the Joker in his real life, delivering bizarre and enigmatic presents to his enemies just like in the movie.
Jared Leto worked a lot also on Joker’s sinister look, adding to the classic wide smile a disturbing laugh, which took him hours and hours of experiments in New York’s streets, until he got to a dreadful result.
Batman and Joker together again?
Finally the wait is over, and we will soon be able to get involved in the Suicide Squad, a team that even the “good ones” cannot resist: at the San Diego Comic-Con: International, Henry Cavill, the actor who interpreted Superman in Batman vs. Superman, disguised himself among the Suicide Squad fans, to get autographs from actors:
Even though the first Suicide Squad reviews are not so good – a shared critic is that the movie is confused in terms of plot – the Joker arouses enthusiasm in the general judgement, so much that everyone thinks it should have deserved more space in the movie. Jared Leto is confident about this, so that he hopes that Suicide Squad is only an introduction to his character. And he hopes he can soon be a main character, maybe together with Ben Affleck interpreting Batman.
We hope we will not wait too long to see them together!